Marijuana – The true facts being kept secret

Marijuana is not being legalized because hemp has so many uses! If it was legalized the pharmaceutical companies would loses billions of dollars. It is all about money and politics. Period. ( and a form of population control in my opinion.) More documentaries on the topic listed below with links. WHEN WE GROW Medical […]

30 years of Sensi Seeds: Hemp for victory

Celebrating milestones of the cannabis industry. In October 2015, one of the biggest names in the cannabis industry celebrated two huge milestones. Check out this special report from Cannabis News Network.

World Hemp Congress 2018: CBD Reviving Hemp Industry?

rom 15-17 October, the annual World Hemp Congress is taking place again in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We will be traveling down with a team to report from this unique event, organised at the House of the European Union Information Center of the European Parliament and European Commission Slovenia. Several European countries already allow the cultivation of […]

5 year old first patient to receive legal cannabis oil in Poland

Cannabis News Network with a report on the state of cannabis in Poland. Cannabis in Poland is illegal, with no medicinal cannabis program in place for patients who could potentially benefit from the multi-purpose plant.

Landmark ruling for cannabis grower Doede de Jong

Dutch judges do not punish famous ideological cannabis grower. On Thursday the 29th of October, famous Dutch cannabis grower Doede de Jong was found guilty of cultivating cannabis, but without receiving a punishment! A truly historic moment for the Dutch and international cannabis communities, of which Cannabis News Network made a report.

Cannabis goes on trial in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA – In South Africa your life can swiftly descent into hell when you smoke cannabis. This is what happened to Myrtle Clarke and Jules Stobbs. They lived their ordinary lives as television producers, where smokers and got caught. In South Africa there are around 3 million people using cannabis. It is the first country in the world […]

What is Cannabis? Marijuana Facts and Effects

Looking for hope and help? Call (707) 942-6888 No other drug has been so infused in American culture as Marijuana. Perhaps because—like alcohol—it’s experienced extreme ends of social acceptance and rejection. Early on, marijuana use was portrayed with highly exaggerated effects. Propaganda films like Reefer Madness helped to spread claims that use of “demon […]

How should you use medicinal cannabis?

In this news episode, Cannabis News Network is exploring a new study that has been done in two different ways of using medicinal cannabis, in order to find out which one is preferred by patients.

CBD, game-changer in the hemp industry, blocked by politics?

he full potential of hemp is endless. No other plant in the world can feed you, then clothe you and you can build your house with. And if you’re sick, it might help you. Hemp will alter products in your home, from food to building materials to paper. The main boost to the hemp industry […]

Barcelona’s Crackdown on Cannabis Social Clubs Backfires

Cannabis News Network reports on the sudden launch of a crackdown on Barcelona Cannabis Social Clubs, initiated by the mayor of the Catalan capital Xavier Trias.