Cannabis: the WHO vs. the Pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry is (and has been for a long time) one of the forces trying to oppose the legalization of cannabis. But there is also a very positive signal in this matter.

Masterclass Wernard Bruining | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

Wernard Bruining, “The Potfather”, is a true cannabis legend. He founded the first coffeeshop in Amsterdam (1973) and the first growshop in Europe (1985). In the nineties, he shifted his attention to medicinal cannabis. Inside the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2017, Wernard gave a masterclass on how to make your own cannabis oil. […]

Colombia Gold: Cannabis Valhalla | Part 2 | Cannabis News Network

Colombia is perhaps best known among most people for the failed War on Drugs, thanks to Netflix’ internationally acclaimed ‘Narcos’ which debuted in 2015. Whereas the whole world was introduced to the horrors of a failed War on Drugs in the beautiful country of Colombia, the country itself wanted to move on from a war […]

The Green Revolution will be televised!

All over the world the awareness towards cannabis is rising. In the USA already 5 states have regulated the use of cannabis. Uruguay and Jamaica did as well. Many other countries and international organizations are currently debating on how to deal with these changes of opinion. Cannabis News Network shows the global change of view;  […]

Cannabis as Medicine after Rally Crash | Cannabis News Network

As a navigator, Bart Hissink crashed, in 2009, with a hundred and sixty kilometers an hour against a tree. He was in a coma for two weeks! After a long road to recovery and lots of medication, mainly painkillers, Bart felt his life could be improved in trying something else. Cannabis! He believes people should have the constitutional right to […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt. 3: Meeting Jack Herer | Cannabis News Network

Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 3. Chris and Mikki began their […]

Cannabis Reguleren in de Praktijk Debat | Cannabis News Network

Tweede Kamerleden Vera Bergkamp (D66) en Michiel van Nispen (SP) samen met Lisa Lankes (coffeeshop Pink in Eindhoven) en Maurice Veldman (advocaat) in debat hoe de teelt van cannabis geregeld kan worden. Een levendige discussie met veelzijdig publiek.  

Hans Kamperman Camps in Front of Parliament Until Cannabis Policy is Changed | Cannabis News Network

Since January, Hans Kamperman has been camping in front of the Dutch Parliament building in The Hague to take action against the criminalization of cannabis and to draw attention to his fate. Kamperman: “It is not a demonstration but a one-man action where I sit at the entrance of the House of Representatives and address […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris | Pt. 6: Trump and Sessions, what’s next? | Cannabis News Network

This is the final part of a 6 part historical series. Looking in the near future to the developments in the U.S.A. With president Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. What’s next? Chris and Mikki began their grassroots legalisation campaign in 1988 and championed last year’s successful California Prop. 64 campaign. Chris is the […]

Tom Blickman (Transnational Institute) over Fair Trade Hasj | Cannabis Reguleren in de Praktijk

“Dat betekent dat de internationale handel, die nu illegaal is en plaatsvindt, buiten de deur wordt gehouden. En dat heeft consequenties voor landen waar traditioneel cannabis wordt verbouwd, zoals Marokko.” – Tom Blickman (Transnational Institute) over Fair Trade Hasj tijdens het Cannabis Reguleren in de Praktijk seminar.