Cannabis in India: Inside India’s Holy Men – Cannabis News Network

“I think people need to be educated to the fact that cannabis is not a drug. Cannabis is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” (Willie Nelson / Musician, Writer, […]

Cannabis goes on trial in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA – In South Africa your life can swiftly descent into hell when you smoke cannabis. This is what happened to Myrtle Clarke and Jules Stobbs. They lived their ordinary lives as television producers, where smokers and got caught. In South Africa there are around 3 million people using cannabis. It is the first country in the world […]

Landmark ruling for cannabis grower Doede de Jong

Dutch judges do not punish famous ideological cannabis grower. On Thursday the 29th of October, famous Dutch cannabis grower Doede de Jong was found guilty of cultivating cannabis, but without receiving a punishment! A truly historic moment for the Dutch and international cannabis communities, of which Cannabis News Network made a report.

30 years of Sensi Seeds: Hemp for victory

Celebrating milestones of the cannabis industry. In October 2015, one of the biggest names in the cannabis industry celebrated two huge milestones. Check out this special report from Cannabis News Network.

UK Parliament Debates Cannabis

On Monday the 12th of October 2015, a historic debate on cannabis took place in British Parliament. Check out this report from Cannabis News Network, by Clark French.

How to Germinate Marijuana Seeds

HOW TO GERMINATE MARIJUANA SEED Germination Today we are going to use an old school method of marijuana seed germination. You fill a shot glass with spring or distilled water and drop several seeds on top of it. The water tension should allow the seeds to lay on top of the water with no problem. […]

South African “Robin Hood of cannabis oil” gets raided

“Tonight, I sit and write this story, in the hope that someone will listen to us. I write this in tears and frustration, I write this as a fugitive from the law. The reason for this? I make and distribute Cannabis oil on a charity basis to everyone that needs it.” On Friday, October 2nd, the […]

Coffeeshop owners speak out

Platform Coffeeshop owners in the Netherlands (PCN) organized a conference in order to unite the coffeeshop community, that reached their boiling point. Dutch coffeeshop owners cannot take the harsh laws any longer.

Trimming Basics and anatomy

Discusses fan leaves, sugar leaves, and flowers. Also talks about how to trim your harvest. Keep in mind there are hundreds of trimming videos on YouTube, and my hands do the best they can.

Cannabis in Berlin: Illegal…or not?

In Germany the possession of cannabis is illegal. Even small amounts are prosecuted, but charges are usually dropped.