Medicinale Cannabis: De Stand van Zaken | Cannabis University 2018

Een discussie over de rol van Social Clubs en eigen kweek in verhouding tot de grote bedrijven m.b.t. medicinale cannabis in Nederland. Opgenomen tijdens Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2018, met: Rinus Beintema (Suver Nuver) EN: With the opening of the first Suver Nuver Medical Social Club in Leeuwarden in October 2015, Rinus Beintema started a movement that […]

Captain Hooter (Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops Test) | Cannabis University 2018

EN: This American cannabis connoisseur and juror at countless cannabis cups has traveled and smoked for forty years all over the world and has lived in the Netherlands for two years. Because he often got the question what the best coffeeshop in Amsterdam is, he decided to visit and test all 165 of them. The […]

Slachtoffers van de Hollandse Hennepoorlog | Cannabis University 2018

Een debat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2018 in de Cannabis University over de verharding van het Openbaar Ministerie. Kleine kwekers worden keihard aangepakt. Met: Ilonka Kamans Ilonka Kamans is sinds 1995 advocaat en zit “al vele jaren ambtshalve in de hennep”. Veel coffeeshopondernemers behoren tot haar clientèle. Sinds haar beëdiging voert zij een strijd tegen het […]

Interview: Henk de Vries and Ben Dronkers | Cannabis University 2018

Q & A / live interview Henk de Vries (Founder The Bull Dog Amsterdam) and Ben Dronkers (Founder Sensi Seeds) by Derrick Bergman (Cannabis Liberation Day Coordinator and VOC Nederland chairman). Henk de Vries EN: As founder of The Bulldog, Henk de Vries is not only a living legend but also the owner of the […]

Free: The Cannabis Poet | Cannabis University 2018 | Cannabis News Network

EN: Free has been involved with Cannabis activism in Britania for over 20 years. He founded Britain’s first Cannabis museum in 1996, before moving to Glastonbury in 1997 to open what is now Britain’s longest established high street Hemp retailer and information centre ‘Hemp In Avalon’. Free shares his passion for Cannabis as a source […]

Debate: Fighting For Drug Peace Across The Globe | Cannabis University 2018

An international debate about the future of cannabis in the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2018. WIth Jules Stobbs, Myrtle Clarke (The Dagga Couple), Dana Larsen (Canadian activist, politician, author) Ben Wise (Filmmaker), Ben Dronkers (founder Sensi Seeds), Kenzi Riboulet Zemouli (FAAAT). Jules Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke EN: Better known as The Dagga Couple, […]

Q & A / Live interview Ed Rosenthal | Cannabis University 2018

EN: Anyone who has ever grown cannabis is indebted to Ed Rosenthal, The Guru or Ganja. Whole generations of breeders gained their first knowledge from his books and his column ‘Ask Ed’, which not only appeared in High Times, but also in countless European magazines. And Rosenthal inspired Ben Dronkers to open the Hash, Marihuana […]

Interview Peter Muyshondt | Cannabis University 2018

EN: Peter is deputy chief of police and Director of Operations at the Belgian police in Brecht. For years he fought in the front line of the war on drugs and believed he was serving society doing so. Meanwhile, his brother Tom was struggling with an addiction to hard drugs. In 2006 he died of […]

Debat: Cannabis reguleren, maar hoe? | Cannabis University 2018

Het advies van de commissie Knottrenus lijkt aan te sluiten op de praktijk. Met:John en Inez Meijers (modelkwekers), Bart Vollenberg (Cannabis Connect), August de Loor (Adviesburo Drugs), Peter Hendriks (Avites). Peter Hendriks EN: In relative silence, Peter Hendriks has been building a small coffeeshop empire in Limburg since the 1980s. His four coffeeshops in Sittard […]

Doug Fine: All about Hemp | Cannabis University 2018

About Doug Fine: Doug FIne is an American bestseller author, journalist, hemp expert and goat farmer has been on our wish list for a long time. In 2011, Doug Fine moved for a year to Mendocino County, an epicenter of the California cannabis culture. The book he wrote about it, ‘Too High To Fail: Cannabis […]