Aboutaleb kraakt gedoogbeleid | Miniserie | Deel 3

35 Nederlandse gemeenten tekenden in 2014 een overeenkomst, de Joint Regulation, een pleidooi om de teelt van softdrugs te reguleren. Volgens de Rotterdamse burgemeester Aboutaleb is het huidige gedoogbeleid onhoudbaar. Deel 3 in de mini serie ter informatie voor beleidsmakers, burgemeesters en andere betrokkenen. Bekijk de gehele miniserie: Klik hier voor deel 1

Hans Kamperman Camps in Front of Parliament Until Cannabis Policy is Changed | Cannabis News Network

Since January, Hans Kamperman has been camping in front of the Dutch Parliament building in The Hague to take action against the criminalization of cannabis and to draw attention to his fate. Kamperman: “It is not a demonstration but a one-man action where I sit at the entrance of the House of Representatives and address […]

Masterclass: Cannabinoïden en Terpenen | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis Career verzorgt beroepstrainingen voor coffeeshopmedewerkers. Mede oprichter Dennis De Rosa Spiering gaf in de Cannabis University op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017 een masterclass over cannabinoïden en terpenen, de belangrijkste werkzame stoffen in cannabis.  

Interview Rick Simpson | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

From his native Canada, Rick Simpson almost single-handedly launched the global cannabis oil revolution: RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) has become a synonym for medicinal cannabis oil. Based in Eastern Europe he keeps fighting for legalization and broad medicinal application of cannabis. Inside the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2017, Rick Simpson was interviewed by […]

Free: The Cannabis Poet | Cannabis University 2018 | Cannabis News Network

EN: Free has been involved with Cannabis activism in Britania for over 20 years. He founded Britain’s first Cannabis museum in 1996, before moving to Glastonbury in 1997 to open what is now Britain’s longest established high street Hemp retailer and information centre ‘Hemp In Avalon’. Free shares his passion for Cannabis as a source […]

Cannabis Reguleren in de Praktijk Debat | Cannabis News Network

Tweede Kamerleden Vera Bergkamp (D66) en Michiel van Nispen (SP) samen met Lisa Lankes (coffeeshop Pink in Eindhoven) en Maurice Veldman (advocaat) in debat hoe de teelt van cannabis geregeld kan worden. Een levendige discussie met veelzijdig publiek.  

The rise of Cannabis Social Clubs, a civil revolt?

While countries and organizations strive for a different approach towards cannabis, consumers are just going ahead by taking matters into their own hands: they start Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC). But what are social clubs and how do they work? Can they exist at a time when Local and national authorities are still not willing to change the ridged drug laws? Cannabis News […]

Cannabis on Trial in South Africa, Fake Protesters and Arguments Against the Truth

A report about the “Trial of the plant” in South Africa, doctors for life, fabricated protesters and excellent testimony of key witness professor David Nutt. After seven years of preparing, the Trial of the Plant is on its way. Jules Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke are the driving force behind the Constitutional hearing to beat the […]

Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 2

In deel 2: ‘Ja, in Nederland mag je blowen, maar waar die cannabis dan vandaan moet komen, daar hebben conservatieve en christelijke partijen geen antwoord op.’ De Nederlandse politiek heeft het cannabisdossier 40 jaar lang laten doormodderen. D66, GroenLinks, SP en kleine linkse partijen willen doorpakken en reguleren. Regeringspartij PvdA zegt ook voor regulering te zijn, maar ondertussen geeft de […]

Cannabis Connecting the Troubled in Northern Ireland | Cannabis News Network

Clark French, the founder of the United Patients Alliance, traveled to Belfast for the first ever held Medical Cannabis Summit in Northern Ireland. A landmark occasion! His exclusive report for Cannabis News Network shows that cannabis can bring people together in a conflict area. The conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century is […]