Hans Kamperman: An Act of Love | Cannabis News Network

Note: English subtitles available. Hans Kamperman is fighting for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Since the beginning of 2018, he has been camping out in front of the parliament building in The Hague. The sad peak of his campaign was a failed suicide attempt. Many people believe that cannabis is legal in the Netherlands. However, this […]

Cannabis and the United Nations: Last Chance for Relevance?

Once pushing for a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, nowadays the United States is the main violator of the 1961 treaty. In April this year, in New York, the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs, UNGASS, is going to reevaluate this convention.

How is the world going to regulate medicinal cannabis? – Cannabis News Network

How is the world going to regulate medicinal cannabis? This episode of Cannabis News Network is taking a look at this question.

The Future Of Cannabis Seeds | Full Debate | ICBC Berlin

The genetic variety of seeds is at the basis of the entire cannabis industry. What if big companies are taking over and monopolizing the cultivation of cannabis seeds? A debate at the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin (ICBC Berlin) between Alan Dronkers (Sensi Seeds), Dr. Reggie Gaudino, PhD and Dr. Darryl Hudson, PhD. Backgrounds Alan Dronkers Ben Dronkers’ eldest son Alan […]

U Turn on Medical Cannabis in the European Union: Patient voices

The biggest change in cannabis policy is the acknowledgement of the medical benefits of the plant. Main progress in countries happens, when patients tell their story, their battle, their relief! People make the change. The Wild West of Cannabis On the 30th of November an International Conference on Medical Cannabis was held for the first time in the European […]

Cannabis News Network: Your Source of Cannabis News

Cannabis News Network is proud to present the new website. We invite you to come and take a look: https://www.cannabisnewsnetwork.com/ In a time countries regulate cannabis, the international community fails it’s responsibility and the United Nations seems to be a lame duck. Scientists and experts from the field acknowledging the real harm being done! None! […]

Panel Debat Reguleren In Nederland | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis University paneldebat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017: ‘Reguleren in Nederland: kansen en risico’s’. Met August de Loor, Bart Vollenberg, Derrick Bergman, Rick Brand. Moderator: Steven Kompier. August De Loor August De Loor is een van Nederlands bekendste deskundigen op het gebied van drugsbeleid. Sinds 1986 leidt hij het Adviesburo Drugs in Amsterdam. Bart Vollenberg Bart […]

An end to the UN as we know it‏?

The United Nations’ drug conventions were recently discussed in Vienna by the Commission on Drugs and Crime. The results of this convention make it clear that, with regards to international laws regarding cannabis, the United Nations commission on drugs and crime is way behind despite a world-wide shift forwards. https://www.cannabisnewsnetwork.com/incb-un-ungass-vienna/ Even before the meeting, the […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt. 4: Medical vs Recreational | Cannabis News Network

Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 4: Medical vs Recreational. ‘If it’s […]

Poison Sprayed Dagga Fields & The Cannatest | Cannabis in South Africa

In our report Cannabis Goes On Trial, we showed you the state of affairs concerning the South African policy towards Dagga, as cannabis is referred to locally. Due to extensive documentation and the vast amount of experts the trial is postponed until further notice….. But the necessity of the trial remains. In this video, we take […]