Cannabis goes on trial in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA – In South Africa your life can swiftly descent into hell when you smoke cannabis. This is what happened to Myrtle Clarke and Jules Stobbs. They lived their ordinary lives as television producers, where smokers and got caught. In South Africa there are around 3 million people using cannabis. It is the first country in the world […]

Cannabis in Berlin: Illegal…or not?

In Germany the possession of cannabis is illegal. Even small amounts are prosecuted, but charges are usually dropped.

Cannabis in India: Inside India’s Holy Men – Cannabis News Network

“I think people need to be educated to the fact that cannabis is not a drug. Cannabis is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” (Willie Nelson / Musician, Writer, […]

Cannabis Movement in Spain will not be gagged!

Spain is one of the most leading countries in Europa in terms of cannabis decriminalization. The country is also the inventor of and leader in the so-called Cannabis Social Clubs. But lately, the Spanish government seems to be determined to bring an end to this revolutionary process. Check out this Cannabis News Network video from […]

Cannabis News Network: Your Source of Cannabis News

Cannabis News Network is proud to present the new website. We invite you to come and take a look: In a time countries regulate cannabis, the international community fails it’s responsibility and the United Nations seems to be a lame duck. Scientists and experts from the field acknowledging the real harm being done! None! […]

Cannabis on Trial in South Africa, Fake Protesters and Arguments Against the Truth

A report about the “Trial of the plant” in South Africa, doctors for life, fabricated protesters and excellent testimony of key witness professor David Nutt. After seven years of preparing, the Trial of the Plant is on its way. Jules Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke are the driving force behind the Constitutional hearing to beat the […]

Cannabis Reguleren in de Praktijk Debat | Cannabis News Network

Tweede Kamerleden Vera Bergkamp (D66) en Michiel van Nispen (SP) samen met Lisa Lankes (coffeeshop Pink in Eindhoven) en Maurice Veldman (advocaat) in debat hoe de teelt van cannabis geregeld kan worden. Een levendige discussie met veelzijdig publiek.  

Cannabis Social Club, how does it work?

On the 22nd of December 2014 Cannabis News Network released a video on the rise of Cannabis Social Clubs. The infographic in this video has now been extracted into a separate clip, to answer that one question: what are Cannabis Social Clubs?

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris | Pt. 5: Prop 64, the Californian Way | Cannabis News Network

Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 5: Prop 64, the Californian way. […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris | Pt. 6: Trump and Sessions, what’s next? | Cannabis News Network

This is the final part of a 6 part historical series. Looking in the near future to the developments in the U.S.A. With president Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. What’s next? Chris and Mikki began their grassroots legalisation campaign in 1988 and championed last year’s successful California Prop. 64 campaign. Chris is the […]