
Global Medical Cannabis Summit Dublin 2016: Report & Interviews

We are happy to present our latest installment on ‘Advancements in the Age of Cannabis’, a global medical cannabis summit in Dublin (September 2016). The Cannabis News Network team took off to Dublin, Ireland, earlier this month to attend The Global Medical Cannabis Summit: Advancements in the Age of Cannabis. Surprising to say the least when you realize […]

Marc and Jodie Emery; The Interview

Find out more on www.cannabiscultureawards.com! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cannabis-Culture-Awards/456268877776817

Updates on regulating medicinal cannabis and more

In this episode, you will find updates on regulating medicinal cannabis and much more.

Hans Kamperman: An Act of Love

Note: English subtitles available. Hans Kamperman is fighting for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Since the beginning of 2018, he has been camping out in front of the parliament building in The Hague. The sad peak of his campaign was a failed suicide attempt.

Cannabis Reguleren in de Praktijk, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam | Cannabis News Network

Voor het eerst sinds de Tweede Kamer heeft ingestemd met het reguleren van de cannabisteelt voor coffeeshops, komen de hoofdrolspelers van het nieuwe cannabisbeleid bij elkaar om te praten over de toekomst. Centraal staat de vraag hoe regulering van cannabis er in de praktijk uit moet gaan zien. Lang was de vraag in Nederland óf […]

COMING UP: Medicinal Cannabis as a Human Right

For our first story of 2016, Cannabis News Network aims the spotlight on Medicinal Cannabis as a Human Right. Check out some of the subjects we will be covering below.

Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag / Cannabis Liberation Day Amsterdam 2017 | AFTERMOVIE

The official aftermovie for Holland’s biggest cannabis and hemp event: Cannabis Liberation Day! On June 11 2017 thousands gathered to rebel against the insane anti-Cannabis laws in the Netherlands. Organized by the VOC Nederland foundation, the crowds got together and enjoyed a peaceful event at the Flevopark in Amsterdam, where music and celebration stipulated the […]

Coffeeshop owners speak out

Platform Coffeeshop owners in the Netherlands (PCN) organized a conference in order to unite the coffeeshop community, that reached their boiling point. Dutch coffeeshop owners cannot take the harsh laws any longer.

Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 2

In deel 2: ‘Ja, in Nederland mag je blowen, maar waar die cannabis dan vandaan moet komen, daar hebben conservatieve en christelijke partijen geen antwoord op.’ De Nederlandse politiek heeft het cannabisdossier 40 jaar lang laten doormodderen. D66, GroenLinks, SP en kleine linkse partijen willen doorpakken en reguleren. Regeringspartij PvdA zegt ook voor regulering te zijn, maar ondertussen geeft de […]

One year of Cannabis News Network videos – an overview

This month we are celebrating one year of Cannabis News Network! A great moment to look back at the stories we covered, the progress that has been made, the policymakers who did or absolutely did not contribute to that progress, and a great moment to shine a light on everybody who supports the normalization of […]