
Cannabis Art: Fernando de la Rocque’s Blow Job Series

Brazilian artist Fernando de La Rocque creates his works on paper by blowing cannabis smoke onto his precut stencils. Openly in favour of decriminalizing the illegal substance, Rocque has said, “more important than freedom to smoke marijuana is the freedom to think about it and make art with it.” To learn more more about Fernando de […]

Debat: Cannabis reguleren, maar hoe? | Cannabis University 2018

Het advies van de commissie Knottrenus lijkt aan te sluiten op de praktijk. Met:John en Inez Meijers (modelkwekers), Bart Vollenberg (Cannabis Connect), August de Loor (Adviesburo Drugs), Peter Hendriks (Avites). Peter Hendriks EN: In relative silence, Peter Hendriks has been building a small coffeeshop empire in Limburg since the 1980s. His four coffeeshops in Sittard […]

Road Trip In Lesotho: Africa’s First Country to Legalise Cannabis Cultivation

Fields Of Green for All, a Johannesburg legalisation non-profit, took a road trip down into Lesotho for Cannabis News Network for the real story behind ‘Africa’s First Country to Grant Medical Marijuana Licenses’. Lesotho has the record of being the only country in the world with an average height over 1000 meters and is a […]

Doug Fine: All about Hemp | Cannabis University 2018

About Doug Fine: Doug FIne is an American bestseller author, journalist, hemp expert and goat farmer has been on our wish list for a long time. In 2011, Doug Fine moved for a year to Mendocino County, an epicenter of the California cannabis culture. The book he wrote about it, ‘Too High To Fail: Cannabis […]

Masterclass Hidde Siers (Plantarium) | Cannabis University 2018

EN: Hidde Siers has been working at Growshop Plantarium in Nijmegen since 2009. When he discovered how much demand there was for scientific information about the medicinal effects of cannabis, he went deeper and deeper into this and grew from enthusiast to expert. Since April, Hidde has been touring the Netherlands with his lecture ‘Medical […]

Reefer Madness on the Road | Cannabis and Driving | Cannabis News Network

In times of the holidays, the police are checking drivers for alcohol and now more than ever also for drugs! Cannabis consumers, recreational and medical are not really aware of the consequences. Millions of people around the globe are facing serious consequences, losing their driver’s license, their jobs, facing high penalties and even imprisonment when using cannabis […]

De Waanzin van de Speekseltest Deel 4 | Roadside Drug Testing Pt. 4 | The Human Toll

(English subtitles coming soon.) Bijna 43 jaar na de invoering van de alcoholtest in het verkeer is hij er dan nu echt: de drugstest. Per 1 juli 2017 kan de Nederlandse politie speeksel van automobilisten testen, om autorijden onder invloed van drugs aan te tonen. In deel 4 van onze serie over de speekseltest kijken […]

Hans Kamperman Camps in Front of Parliament Until Cannabis Policy is Changed

Since January, Hans Kamperman has been camping in front of the Dutch Parliament building in The Hague to take action against the criminalization of cannabis and to draw attention to his fate. Kamperman: “It is not a demonstration but a one-man action where I sit at the entrance of the House of Representatives and address […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt. 4: Medical vs Recreational

Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 4: Medical vs Recreational. ‘If it’s […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt. 3: Meeting Jack Herer

Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 3. Chris and Mikki began their […]