
Panel debate on Cannabis Social Clubs | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

Cannabis Social Clubs panel debate inside the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2017 with Rosaria Ricci, Martin Barriuso, Greg de Hoedt and Els Vermeesch. Rosaria Ricci Founder and chairwoman of the first Dutch Cannabis Social Club, Tree of Life in Amsterdam, since 2014. The club tries to obtain an exemption from the Opium Law […]

The Big Raid On Little Rohel

Tuesday, June 12 is not a great day for the Frisian couple Tabe Koopmans and Brigitte Boomsma. They had to move with their animals to a cowshed. Not voluntarily, of course, but because their municipality De Fryske Marren closed their rental house for 3 months because there were 45 cannabis plants + 120 back-up cuttings […]

Amsterdam’s Cannabis Liberation Day 2014 in review (Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag)

On the 15th of June 2014 the Dutch annual Cannabis Liberation Day was held for the 6th time in Amsterdam. Although cannabis is tolerated to a certain extent in the Netherlands, it is still necessary to make a stand. This free event attracts visitors from all around the world, and the Hemp Market sells a […]

How is the world going to regulate medicinal cannabis? – Cannabis News Network

How is the world going to regulate medicinal cannabis? This episode of Cannabis News Network is taking a look at this question.

Free: The Cannabis Poet | Cannabis University 2018 | Cannabis News Network

EN: Free has been involved with Cannabis activism in Britania for over 20 years. He founded Britain’s first Cannabis museum in 1996, before moving to Glastonbury in 1997 to open what is now Britain’s longest established high street Hemp retailer and information centre ‘Hemp In Avalon’. Free shares his passion for Cannabis as a source […]

Slachtoffers van de Hollandse Hennepoorlog | Cannabis University 2018

Een debat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2018 in de Cannabis University over de verharding van het Openbaar Ministerie. Kleine kwekers worden keihard aangepakt. Met: Ilonka Kamans Ilonka Kamans is sinds 1995 advocaat en zit “al vele jaren ambtshalve in de hennep”. Veel coffeeshopondernemers behoren tot haar clientèle. Sinds haar beëdiging voert zij een strijd tegen het […]

Interview: Henk de Vries and Ben Dronkers | Cannabis University 2018

Q & A / live interview Henk de Vries (Founder The Bull Dog Amsterdam) and Ben Dronkers (Founder Sensi Seeds) by Derrick Bergman (Cannabis Liberation Day Coordinator and VOC Nederland chairman). Henk de Vries EN: As founder of The Bulldog, Henk de Vries is not only a living legend but also the owner of the […]

The Green Revolution will be televised!

All over the world the awareness towards cannabis is rising. In the USA already 5 states have regulated the use of cannabis. Uruguay and Jamaica did as well. Many other countries and international organizations are currently debating on how to deal with these changes of opinion. Cannabis News Network shows the global change of view;  […]

Masterclass: Cannabinoïden en Terpenen | Cannabis University | Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017

Cannabis Career verzorgt beroepstrainingen voor coffeeshopmedewerkers. Mede oprichter Dennis De Rosa Spiering gaf in de Cannabis University op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2017 een masterclass over cannabinoïden en terpenen, de belangrijkste werkzame stoffen in cannabis.  

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris | Pt. 6: Trump and Sessions, what’s next?

This is the final part of a 6 part historical series. Looking in the near future to the developments in the U.S.A. With president Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. What’s next? Chris and Mikki began their grassroots legalisation campaign in 1988 and championed last year’s successful California Prop. 64 campaign. Chris is the […]