
Historic Cannabis Exposure in Rally Sport | Cannabis News Network

As a navigator Bart Hissink crashed, in 2009, with a hundred and sixty kilometers an hour against a tree. He was in a coma for two weeks! After a long road to recovery and lots of medication, mainly painkillers, Bart felt his life could be improved in trying something else. Cannabis! He believes people should have the constitutional […]

Amsterdam’s Cannabis Liberation Day 2014 in review (Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag)

On the 15th of June 2014 the Dutch annual Cannabis Liberation Day was held for the 6th time in Amsterdam. Although cannabis is tolerated to a certain extent in the Netherlands, it is still necessary to make a stand. This free event attracts visitors from all around the world, and the Hemp Market sells a […]

Did you know about Sorgh painting cannabis in Rembrandt’s time? | Canna History HD

Cannabis News Network is launching a new series: Canna History. In cooperation with the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum we are going to present multiple historical, entertaining, and need to know facts about cannabis and hemp. “Three men and a woman are sitting around a table. They are singing, drinking beer and smoking. The man on […]

Did you know about the Club des Hashishins in Paris? | Canna History HD

Cannabis News Network is launching a new series: Canna History. In cooperation with the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum we are going to present multiple historical, entertaining, and need to know facts about cannabis and hemp. “When you return to this mundane sphere from your visionary world, you would seem to leave a Neapolitan spring for […]

Hans Kamperman Camps in Front of Parliament Until Cannabis Policy is Changed | Cannabis News Network

Since January, Hans Kamperman has been camping in front of the Dutch Parliament building in The Hague to take action against the criminalization of cannabis and to draw attention to his fate. Kamperman: “It is not a demonstration but a one-man action where I sit at the entrance of the House of Representatives and address […]

Het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid is failliet | Miniserie | Deel 2

In deel 2: ‘Ja, in Nederland mag je blowen, maar waar die cannabis dan vandaan moet komen, daar hebben conservatieve en christelijke partijen geen antwoord op.’ De Nederlandse politiek heeft het cannabisdossier 40 jaar lang laten doormodderen. D66, GroenLinks, SP en kleine linkse partijen willen doorpakken en reguleren. Regeringspartij PvdA zegt ook voor regulering te zijn, maar ondertussen geeft de […]

How to end prohibition: experiences abroad | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

Panel debate inside the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2017: ‘How to end prohibition: experiences abroad’. With Clark French (UK), Robert Veverka (CZ), James Burton (USA), Michael Knodt (DE), Sean Carney (USA). Moderated by Cannabis News Network’s Steven Kompier. Clark French (United Kingdom) One of the best known British cannabis activists, co-founder and board […]

Aboutaleb kraakt gedoogbeleid | Miniserie | Deel 3

35 Nederlandse gemeenten tekenden in 2014 een overeenkomst, de Joint Regulation, een pleidooi om de teelt van softdrugs te reguleren. Volgens de Rotterdamse burgemeester Aboutaleb is het huidige gedoogbeleid onhoudbaar. Deel 3 in de mini serie ter informatie voor beleidsmakers, burgemeesters en andere betrokkenen. Bekijk de gehele miniserie: Klik hier voor deel 1

Hans Kamperman: An Act of Love

Note: English subtitles available. Hans Kamperman is fighting for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Since the beginning of 2018, he has been camping out in front of the parliament building in The Hague. The sad peak of his campaign was a failed suicide attempt.

The Future Of Cannabis Seeds | Full Debate | ICBC Berlin

The genetic variety of seeds is at the basis of the entire cannabis industry. What if big companies are taking over and monopolizing the cultivation of cannabis seeds? A debate at the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin (ICBC Berlin) between Alan Dronkers (Sensi Seeds), Dr. Reggie Gaudino, PhD and Dr. Darryl Hudson, PhD. Backgrounds Alan Dronkers Ben Dronkers’ eldest son Alan […]