
Medicinale Cannabis: De Stand van Zaken | Cannabis University 2018

Een discussie over de rol van Social Clubs en eigen kweek in verhouding tot de grote bedrijven m.b.t. medicinale cannabis in Nederland. Opgenomen tijdens Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2018, met: Rinus Beintema (Suver Nuver) EN: With the opening of the first Suver Nuver Medical Social Club in Leeuwarden in October 2015, Rinus Beintema started a movement that […]

Masterclass Wernard Bruining | Cannabis University | Cannabis Liberation Day 2017

Wernard Bruining, “The Potfather”, is a true cannabis legend. He founded the first coffeeshop in Amsterdam (1973) and the first growshop in Europe (1985). In the nineties, he shifted his attention to medicinal cannabis. Inside the Cannabis University at Cannabis Liberation Day 2017, Wernard gave a masterclass on how to make your own cannabis oil. […]

Slachtoffers van de Hollandse Hennepoorlog | Cannabis University 2018

Een debat op Cannabis Bevrijdingsdag 2018 in de Cannabis University over de verharding van het Openbaar Ministerie. Kleine kwekers worden keihard aangepakt. Met: Ilonka Kamans Ilonka Kamans is sinds 1995 advocaat en zit “al vele jaren ambtshalve in de hennep”. Veel coffeeshopondernemers behoren tot haar clientèle. Sinds haar beëdiging voert zij een strijd tegen het […]

Cannabis Movement in Spain will not be gagged!

Spain is one of the most leading countries in Europa in terms of cannabis decriminalization. The country is also the inventor of and leader in the so-called Cannabis Social Clubs. But lately, the Spanish government seems to be determined to bring an end to this revolutionary process. Check out this Cannabis News Network video from […]

Chris Conrad & Mikki Norris: Their Story | Pt. 3: Meeting Jack Herer | Cannabis News Network

Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris are living legends in the battle for legal cannabis through their activism, journalism, vision and court-recognized expertise in cannabis cultivation and use. Cannabis News Network tells the story of Chris and Mikki in 6 episodes, published every Friday for 6 weeks. This is part 3. Chris and Mikki began their […]

Big cannabis fields in Vienna?

Cannabis News Network visited a plantation in Vienna, where it is legal to grow and sell cannabis seedlings. In some countries, such as Uruguay or the United States (in Washington and Colorado) the growing and use of cannabis is regulated. But if you visit Austria, you will come across huge plantations filled with cannabis seedlings, without […]

Q & A / Live interview Ed Rosenthal | Cannabis University 2018

EN: Anyone who has ever grown cannabis is indebted to Ed Rosenthal, The Guru or Ganja. Whole generations of breeders gained their first knowledge from his books and his column ‘Ask Ed’, which not only appeared in High Times, but also in countless European magazines. And Rosenthal inspired Ben Dronkers to open the Hash, Marihuana […]

Cannabis as Medicine after Rally Crash | Cannabis News Network

As a navigator, Bart Hissink crashed, in 2009, with a hundred and sixty kilometers an hour against a tree. He was in a coma for two weeks! After a long road to recovery and lots of medication, mainly painkillers, Bart felt his life could be improved in trying something else. Cannabis! He believes people should have the constitutional right to […]

Hans Kamperman Camps in Front of Parliament Until Cannabis Policy is Changed | Cannabis News Network

Since January, Hans Kamperman has been camping in front of the Dutch Parliament building in The Hague to take action against the criminalization of cannabis and to draw attention to his fate. Kamperman: “It is not a demonstration but a one-man action where I sit at the entrance of the House of Representatives and address […]

The Green Revolution will be televised!

All over the world the awareness towards cannabis is rising. In the USA already 5 states have regulated the use of cannabis. Uruguay and Jamaica did as well. Many other countries and international organizations are currently debating on how to deal with these changes of opinion. Cannabis News Network shows the global change of view;  […]